Japanese digital marketing

Japan Supplements Market – 2022

Graph about people in Japan taking supplements post COVID19

The dietary supplement industry as a whole is huge. In 2022, supplements and nutraceuticals are a big business in Japan. Over the following six years, global sales are expected to exceed $210 billion USD.

Source: Statista

Vitamin C, protein powder, multivitamins, probiotics, minerals, and food additives are all categorized as supplements. Japan is the region’s top purchaser of these products. In 2020, annual sales from vitamins and minerals will be close to $2 billion USD. Probiotics, functional meals, and sports nutrition supplements are also popular.


When it comes to proteins, Japan’s market is gradually expanding.  Protein powders, as well as other types of protein food products, have grown in popularity in recent years. New items, such as vitamins and health food, are being introduced, particularly since the COVID-19 outbreak. 

Whey Protein Display

MyProtein has very recently entered the Japanese market, having launched in 2016. From 2018 onwards, selling on eCommerce platforms became the brand’s primary approach. It has been a success, and they are now considering building their own cargo airlines to expand their business.


Share of peple whose frequency of taking dietary supplements increased after the outbreak of COVID-19 in Japan (as of March 2022)
Source: Statista

Supplements are the best-selling international products in the Japanese eCommerce market. It is also one of the fastest-growing categories, making it ideal for enterprises looking to start selling in Japan. Japanese customers want supplements they can rely on, and the shaky footing that local products have been standing on has driven them to international manufacturers. Japanese consumers are very interested in high-quality supplements manufactured in the United States and the EU.

Share of peple whose frequency of taking dietary supplements increased after the outbreak of COVID-19 in Japan (as of March 2022), by age
Source: Statista


The Japanese probiotics market is expected to develop at an 8.6 % CAGR (2022 – 2027).

Probiotics are having a favorable impact on the market, owing to their importance to the immune system. During the COVID-19 outbreak, probiotic supplements have been selling successfully in Japan. Year-on-year sales of Yakult branded probiotic products climbed by 11.5% in March and 10.3% in April 2020, according to Yakult Honsha. In addition, Probi and Danone SA want to expand in probiotic markets amid COVID-19 interruptions.

Yakult  Probiotics product line

Japanese customers are strongly driving probiotics sales in the country, giving Japan a significant market share in the Asia Pacific region, owing to a comparatively high density of long-term probiotic product consumers.

Factors That Are Driving Dietary Supplements Market in Japan

The dietary supplements market in Japan is expected to grow rapidly during the forecast period, owing to an increase in chronic heart failure cases in the country. 

Obesity, vitamin, and mineral deficiencies are the top causes of cardiovascular disease in the country. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), around 1 to 2 million patients are diagnosed with coronary heart failure each year, with nearly 170,000 patients dying as a result of heart disease.

Distribution of the dietary supplement market , by type
Source: Statista

Cardiovascular disease is on the rise as a result of the westernization of lifestyle, an aging population, and bad dietary habits. In addition, Japan’s growing senior population has a fast-growing demand for dietary supplements.


Before a company can begin accepting orders, it must first clear Japan’s many regulatory hurdles. The Pharmaceutical Affairs Act applies to supplements, vitamins, nutraceuticals, nootropics, and any other items that fall inside this category.

The improved regulatory claims for labeling in Japan are speeding up market growth. For example, efficacy claims on probiotic product labeling are forbidden, and if such claims are made, special authorization from the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MHLW) is required for the product to be deemed FOSHU (A product for which verification of efficacy and safety is required).

In Closing – Let’s look at Why Japan’s Supplement Market Is Poised To Expand

According to the CDC, Japan’s overall population in 2006 was 127.8 million. This included  26.6 million elderly aged 65 or older, accounting for 21 % of the total population. The old population is expected to reach a total of 35.8 million (27 %) in 2055, as the population continues to age rapidly.

As a result of the FMI’s analysis, the dietary supplement market in Japan is expected to grow at a CAGR of more than 8.4% over the forecast period, reaching US$ 22,392.5 million by 2031.

Digital Crew can help your brand with digital marketing in Japan for health, fitness, and in-demand products like supplements. Get in touch today!

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